Simple templating system using Bash
Hence, for very simple needs, I started using simple scripts that would only replace variables and give me a basic template to start with. This is however not very flexible and needs to be adapted for each case. And so I did a templater that replaces variables with the value in the environment. It also supports defining default values and variable interpolation.
Example with Apache + FPM
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerAdmin {{EMAIL}}
ServerName {{DOMAIN}}
ServerAlias www.{{DOMAIN}}
DocumentRoot "{{DOC_ROOT}}"
<Directory "{{DOC_ROOT}}">
AllowOverride All
Order allow,deny
Allow From All
AddHandler php-script .php
Action php-script /php5.fastcgi virtual
Alias /php5.fastcgi {{FCGI}}
FastCGIExternalServer {{FCGI}} -socket {{SOCKET}}
LogLevel warn
CustomLog {{LOG_DIR}}/{{DOMAIN}}.access.log combined
ErrorLog {{LOG_DIR}}/{{DOMAIN}}.error.log
Invocation ./ examples/vhost-php.conf