Wordpress MU-Plugins subdirectory loader
While having my way with Composer and Composer Installers, I stumbled upon a Pull Request about adding support for mu-plugins. I already commented saying that I don’t how I works for them, because Wordpress does not load mu-plugins in subdirectories, they must be at the root of /wp-content/mu-plugins/.
After searching a bit, I found that someone had already thought of loading mu-plugins recursively but this solution was not enough for me :
- Calling a scandir each request seems wrong (performance-wise), it seems better to cache the results.
- It requires that each folder has a file named like "folder.php", which a lot of existing plugins don’t have.
- It does not list the included plugins in the admin so it is completely invisible.
Except normal installation (manually or via Composer), the only other step is to copy or symlink a file in your mu-plugins directory.